Sunday, May 31, 2009

first blog assignment, due 2 june 2009

Your first assignment for this class is to actually create your own blog using Blogger and to write your first post. Here are the instructions:

[1] Set up your blog: To do so, go to, and follow the on-screen directions for setting up a free blog. As I mentioned in the syllabus, I know that some/many of you already have a blog where you write posts; however, for the purposes of this class, you will need a separate blog that is focused on reflecting about your reading. Feel free to provide a link to your other blog if you would like to share that with your classmates as well. Keep in mind that I will post your blog address on the course website, so other class members will have access to your blog. You can restrict general public access to your blog, however, under “Settings” by marking “no” for the question “Add your blog to our listings?” Here are a few requirements for your blog:
  • Please take some time to personalize your blog. This is a way for both me and your classmates to get to know you, so feel free to include a photo, links to other sites you enjoy, etc.
  • Please make sure that your name (first/preferred name and last initial) is clear on your blog. For web safety, there is no need to include your full name.
[2] Write your first entry: Write a letter of introduction about yourself. Start with the basics—where you are from, what year you are at TCU, what major you are considering, etc. Then, I want to know a few things related to your participation in this course. Here is a series of questions to think about as you write:
  • First, think about your interest in this course. Why did you choose to take this literature course? If your answer is simply that it’s required, then what would you like to get out of it?
  • Next, consider your experience with reading/literature both in and out of the classroom. What is your previous experience with fiction? What kind of reading do you enjoy? What classes have you taken (in high school or college), and how did you feel about those? For you, is reading fun, easy, something you have to do but don’t enjoy, or like a visit to a medieval torture chamber? Give me both the facts of your past with reading/fiction and your opinions on it.
  • Next, what do you hope to accomplish in this course?
  • What do I need to know about you in order to teach you well?
  • Finally, tell me something interesting about yourself. It could be related to a hobby or just a story about you.
At the end of your letter to your blog audience, please write a final statement letting me know that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus, which I see as a contract for our course. Remember that all of your blog entries should be in paragraph form.

[3] Follow up: Add a comment to this post that includes your name and blog address (, so that I can add it to the list on our course page. Also let me know if you have any questions regarding the syllabus or anything discussed in our first meeting of the course.

Welcome to English 10103

Hi everyone. And welcome to the blog for section 011 of English 10103. We'll be using Blogger as a journaling tool throughout the semester to reflect on and respond to the assigned readings. Your course calendar has the blog topics for each day, and it is your responsibility to keep up with the required blog postings. For the calendar entries that refer you to this page, you can check this blog 24 hours before the blog is due for some discussion questions related to that day's readings. For your blog, you can choose to answer one or more of the questions as you respond to the text.

This page will have the daily agenda and discussion questions along with any course announcements and updates, so it's a good idea to check it regularly or to subscribe to the blog feed. Also, as you set up your individual blogs, I'll include links to everyone's blogs on the right side of the page, so that you can easily access the blogs of your classmates.

Happy blogging!